by Bo | Jun 13, 2016 | 2016, Logbook, Posts, Rio2016
Since we’ve been talking a lot about storing Selah in Puerto Rico, a lot of you have been wondering what’s next. Allison mentioned it briefly in her last post, but I figured I’d expand a bit more. And since Allison isn’t going to be sitting...
by Bo | Mar 29, 2016 | 2016, Bahamas, Logbook
George Town, Bahamas is often called “Chicken Harbor” for good reason. Once you’ve sailed from the US to the Bahamas and enjoyed all they have to offer, a decision has to be made. Hurricane season looms and the options for leaving a boat in the...
by Bo | Jan 30, 2016 | Bahamas, Logbook
After thoroughly exploring the Abaco region of the Bahamas, it’s time for us to jump further south. We’ve made it Little Harbor, which is the southermost part of the Sea of Abaco. To go further south from Little Harbor, we have to head out into the...
by Bo | Jan 7, 2016 | Bahamas, Life Aboard, Logbook, Posts
The area of the Bahamas we’re in is called the Abacos. Best I can tell, it’s sort of like the “Florida Keys” in that there are lots of islands with their own name (the largest being Great Abaco), but collectively are called the Abacos. All the...
by Bo | Dec 22, 2015 | Posts
I woke up Wednesday, super excited to be able to see straight down into the crystal clear Bahamian water. So excited, I decided to blow the last of our stash of fresh eggs on a breakfast burrito as we were getting underway. We fell in line with 4 other sailboats that...